Writers often live challenging lives. Many work full-time jobs, care for their families, and find time to squeeze in a bit of writing time. This time for writing can be the single good thing that you give yourself each day. It’s your time for yourself. And the process of writing, regardless of your goals, is definitely good self care. Writers NEED to write.

However, I’d argue that writers also need to take good care of themselves in other ways too. Your physical, mental, and emotional health is essential. Without it your writing may suffer. The joy you gain from the writing process may fade. It can also be difficult to maintain the confidence that is so essential to a writer’s success. If your health suffers, so too does your mindset.

Over the next few months, I’m going to offer a weekly well-being tip. Nothing too complicated. Just a few simple tips to help you keep your chin up and make your health a priority. If you’re not feeling your best, everything else and everyone else in your life suffers. That’s not good!


Writing friends and fellow authors, Sandra S Kerns and Jennifer Morey

Writing friends and fellow authors, Sandra S Kerns and Jennifer Morey

Go Out With Friends


I don’t have time to lunch with friends on a regular basis. I run a full-time writing business, I’m going to school full-time and I have two teenage daughters. I’m lucky to meet a deadline and lunches with friends are luxuries. However, they’re luxuries I do indulge in on a bi-weekly basis. Twice a month I meet with a good friend, also a writer and we talk about life and writing and the joys of aging parents.

And once in a while I am lucky enough to hang out with some friends from my CrossFit class or a good friend that lives nearby. It’s not often, much less than I’d like, but these indulgent moments with friends are so necessary.

You don’t have to be a social, extroverted, person to reap huge benefits from friends. Women in particular need to have girlfriends. Don’t shortchange yourself. Make time, at least once a month, to get out and laugh with your friends.

They don’t have to be lifelong girlfriends, they can be people you just met. The idea is to communicate, laugh, and enjoy the company of others. It’s good for your mental health and the benefits trickle down to actually improve your physical health and lengthen your life.

And you’ll find the benefits trickle down into your writing life too. You may have more energy and more enthusiasm for your work in progress.

Happy writing!