When you’re working on your romance manuscript, what direction do you face?
I face East – I always face east, and it is completely unintentional.
Research is part of any romance novel and I’ve been doing a lot of research lately on psychics, spirits, ghosts, ghost hunting, and all things not of this world. In one of the books I read on chakras, mediumship, and psychic abilities the writer suggested finding your direction. She said that each person has a direction that they prefer. Their skills and abilities are enhanced when they face their direction.
I thought about it and assessed my home and work space and you know what…I always face east! Now, my desk actually faces South and I do sit at it when I am doing logical things like planning, paying bills, and organizing my business.
Yet when I am writing, I sit on the floor in my office (I have a couch that faces East but I seem to prefer the floor) and I write.
I thought it was pretty interesting.
So what direction do you face when you write? Consider experimenting with different directions and assess what direction seems to help you write at the highest level.
Have fun and happy writing!