Romance Writing – Learning From the Classics

By Misa Ramirez Have you read Madame Bovary, by Gustave Flaubert? It’s not really a romance, and it’s coming up on being close to 200 years old, so unless you’re into classics or majored in English in college, a lot of people probably haven’t...

Do You Need an Agent to be Published?

 So you want to write. Actually if you already dabble in writing articles, stories and now are on to a manuscript for a book then you, my friend, are a writer. But, writing your book is only your first step. The first thing that needs to be done, of course, is to...

Writing Romance 101 – Plotters Vs Pantsers

By Kimber Chin There are two main schools of romance writing. There are those writers that outline or plot the entire book before sitting down to write. There are very detailed plotters. They sketch out everything from character builds to action points. They knew...