Story Starter Sunday – Trapped

Your heroine is trapped. She’s been captured by someone and is being held against her will. Who captured her? Why did they capture her? For example, is she a spy or is this an obsessed person? How long has she been held? What is her plan to escape? How does she...

Story Starter Sunday – Dreaming of Me

Have you ever dreamed about someone who has passed away? I have. It was lovely and comforting. That’s not always the case. In Cheating Time, which has a release date of August, 10, the heroine dreams about a man that passed away in an airplane crash. He is...

Story Starter Sunday – A Fateful Future

Your heroine is at death’s door. She can feel her life slipping away. As she fades, she gets a glimpse of what her future might be. This vision motivates her to fight back just a little bit harder. It’s enough. She lives but she’s not the same person...