What is creative confidence?

Are you confident in your writing skills? Most writers will honestly answer that question with a resounding, “no.” Writing is a humbling experience that never fails to leave you feeling frustrated and elated at the same time. Whether you’ve never submitted your work...

Are You Creative Enough to Be a Writer?

Do you believe that some people just aren’t creative? We often talk about “right brain” people and “left brain” people. Supposedly, people tend to use one side of their brain more often than the other. Right brain folks are said to be more intuitive, thoughtful, and...

7 Tips for Boosting Your Creativity

One of my favorite quotes about creativity is from the esteemed Maya Angelou. She said, “You can’t use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have.” It’s true and it’s one of the reasons why so many writing teachers and authors suggest writing every...