The Danger of Eavesdropping

The Danger of Eavesdropping

Your heroine discovers that a man is being set up for murder. She decides to tell the man (your hero) about what she learned. How does she discover the murder plot? What happens when she tells him? Does he believe her? Maybe he doesn’t believe her, the person is...
Magic Snowglobe

Magic Snowglobe

In The Midst of a Magic Snow Globe – Fantasy Romance Writing Prompt Your heroine discovers a snow globe. In the globe she recognizes herself. What’s the scene? For example, is she seeing something that happened in the past or does the globe predict her...
Family Secrets

Family Secrets

Your heroine is being held hostage by a criminal on the run. He’s keeping her because her family is trying to kill him. She escapes but she’s deep in the wilderness. Who does she find to help her? What happens? Why is her family trying to kill the man that took her...
Nostalgia and secrets

Nostalgia and secrets

      Your heroine is looking through old photos of loved ones that have passed away. In one of the photos she sees something strange – something that shouldn’t be there. What does she see? She tracks down the photographer who has long...
Family Secrets

Late Night Chaos

Your heroine is working late at the pharmacy when an armed gunman comes in and demands that she give him a very specific drug. In addition to the strange drug request, she notices something that makes her take extra care in the situation. What does she notice? For...
It’s a Man’s World

It’s a Man’s World

Your heroine is a contractor, a construction contractor, and she’s on the toughest job of her life. The owner is specific and suspicious. He doesn’t trust a woman to be able to handle the job of remodeling his home. How does she convince him that he can trust her?...