by Annette | Jun 29, 2014 | Erotic Romance
Your heroine has just moved into an apartment. She’s unpacking and hanging items in her closet when she realizes there’s a small hole in the wall at the back of her closet. She peers through the hole and can see into her neighbor’s bedroom. She’s met her neighbor and...
by Annette | Jun 23, 2014 | Romance Writing Career
Over the past few weeks we’ve talked a bit about the tools you can use to build your platform. Remember that your platform is essentially your community. They’re the people who will buy your book. They’ll buy it because they like you, because they’re interested in...
by Annette | Jun 22, 2014 | Contemporary, Suspense
Your hero is at a bar. It’s a rough bar and the clientele is primarily men. A woman runs into the bar. She’s out of breath and clearly in distress. The men in the bar take notice of her almost immediately. They begin to eye her, she’s clearly...