by Annette | Dec 21, 2014 | Contemporary, Holiday
While holiday shopping, your heroine has come across a smile child on the streets. The child appears to be homeless. Your heroine spends a few minutes talking to the child and gives him/her money. The child follows your heroine home. She takes them in and… What...
by Annette | Dec 20, 2014 | Romance Writing, The Creative Process
Eek! New Year’s is inching closer. I feel like I’m behind schedule mentally and physically. I’m just not ready – though admittedly I’ve spent much of this year feeling like I’m not ready for the changes that have been thrust upon...
by Annette | Dec 15, 2014 | Contemporary
Your heroine is describing her perfect man to a friend. Someone is standing right behind her, listening to every word she’s saying. She doesn’t know they’re behind her until it’s too late. Who is behind her? What happens? For example, maybe...
by Annette | Dec 10, 2014 | Romance Writing, The Creative Process
I love New Year’s. No, not because of the champagne and opportunity to party. I’m actually pretty lame when it comes to the whole ring in the New Year celebration mindset. What I love about the holiday is the clean slate. The opportunity to do better and...
by Annette | Nov 30, 2014 | Romance Writing Career
There are many facets to a successful writing career. The first, and most important component to your writing career is your enjoyment of the writing process. Do you feel compelled to write and create a story? Do you enjoy the process, at least most of it? If you’re...