by Annette | Jan 4, 2015 | Suspense
Your heroine is being hunted. Someone wants her dead. Who? Why? Does she know she’s being hunted? What happens? This could be a paranormal, a suspense, or even an erotic romance. Have fun with this one and allow your dark side to...
by Annette | Jan 3, 2015 | Romance Writing Career, The Creative Process, Tools & Resources
Many writers that I know express frustration. They’re frustrated that they don’t have a book published or that the book they’ve published isn’t doing as well as they’d hoped. They’re frustrated with their lack of progress on a manuscript or they express anger that...
by Annette | Jan 2, 2015 | Romance Writing Craft, The Creative Process
Someone once told me that they didn’t have time to read. If they were going to write and “be a writer” then they had to focus on that. Admittedly, my mouth fell open. I was shocked to hear someone say that. I have always been a reader, and a writer, and to me the two...
by Annette | Jan 1, 2015 | Story Starter Sunday
Your heroine closes her eyes at midnight and expects to be kissing her boyfriend. She’s also expecting him to propose tonight. But when she opens here eyes…. Is he gone? Is she kissing someone else? Has she transported back, or forward, in time? What...
by Annette | Dec 31, 2014 | The Creative Process
You’ve brainstormed and pondered. You’ve asked the important questions and you’ve created a writing resolution for 2015. (Yes, I’m still on the writing resolution kick. It’s important! Your writing passion and career are important and this is an ideal time to think...