by Annette | Jan 10, 2015 | Tools & Resources
Are you organized? Personally, I love the idea of being organized but I’ve come to the conclusion that I’m not so great at it. Yes, I have a place for everything in my office but the truth is that it all ends up in a big pile on my desk or stuffed into a junk drawer....
by Annette | Jan 9, 2015 | Romance Writing Career
As a romance writer and an aspiring author, you strive to be successful. You learn what you can about writing. You work on your book and you polish it until it’s perfect. In short, you work hard to be successful. However, success demands more than working hard. It...
by Annette | Jan 7, 2015 | The Creative Process, Tools & Resources
Every year dozens of books on writing romance are published. Some of them are truly awful. Some are pretty darn good. I’ve compiled a list of the books that I think look interesting or valuable. I’ve read most of them and the others I’ve perused. While it’s probably...
by Annette | Jan 6, 2015 | Romance Writing
Whether you’ve set writing resolutions or you’re striving to make a new writing habit, there are some simple mistakes that can hold you back. Learn the mistakes, and how to avoid or rectify them, and you’ll be back on track to achieve your romance writing plans. 1....