by Annette | Aug 16, 2015 | Romance Writing
What do you do when you have a work in progress that’s on hold and nothing new started? Well, if you love to write and you want to get excited about something, you create a new project for yourself. I’ve been toying with an idea of writing a novella to be...
by Annette | Aug 16, 2015 | Paranormal
Halloween is right around the corner and it’s the perfect time to sell paranormal romance. Start today. 1000 words a day means you’ll have a good novella ready to publish and sell a few weeks before this fantastic holiday. This visual story starter might...
by Annette | Aug 15, 2015 | Romance Writing Career, Tools & Resources
What do you think? Do you belong to the RWA and if so, why do you belong to it? It’s the largest romance writing organization and it provides a number of tremendous benefits to writers but right now, I don’t belong and I am wondering if others find...
by Annette | Jul 26, 2015 | Romance Writing, The Creative Process
Do you garden? I try. Sometimes it works out okay and we grow amazing flowers and vegetables. And sometimes it just dies. We have a little bit of both going on this year. Some fantastic looking tomatoes and zucchini and some really sad greens. I’m bummed about...
by Annette | Jul 26, 2015 | Romance Writing, The Creative Process
Do you garden? I try. Sometimes it works out okay and we grow amazing flowers and vegetables. And sometimes it just dies. We have a little bit of both going on this year. Some fantastic looking tomatoes and zucchini and some really sad greens. I’m bummed about...