by Annette | Feb 5, 2016 | Romance Writing
Whether it’s running a marathon, working towards your dream or trying to finish your darn novel, there are some situations we can find ourselves in where we want to keep going, but really struggle to maintain motivation. We have to give every last drop of...
by Annette | Feb 5, 2016 | Romance Writing
Whether it’s running a marathon, working towards your dream or trying to finish your darn novel, there are some situations we can find ourselves in where we want to keep going, but really struggle to maintain motivation. We have to give every last drop of...
by Annette | Jan 24, 2016 | Romance Writing
We know that writing romance is work. Sometimes it feels like busywork. Like those times when you have to go through your entire manuscript to make sure you consistently spelled your heroine’s name correctly or that her eyes don’t change from blue to green. Writing is...
by Annette | Jan 18, 2016 | Romance Writing, Romance Writing Career
This morning I was on my third round of running a quarter mile and doing 15 overhead squats. If my car keys had been in my pocket, it would have been my last round. I wanted to quit. What the *&#$@ am I doing, I thought. Why am I here? Inertia kept me moving...
by Annette | Jan 18, 2016 | The Creative Process, Tools & Resources
The second volume of 1001 Romance Story Starters is back in progress. I even have a designer working on the book cover. I need your help! If you’ve used the reports, paid or free, or you’ve purchased the first volume and you have an opinion to share about...