Because this is a blog about the process of creating and growing a romance writing career, I thought it fit to share a romance writing challenge I’m currently struggling with.
To date, I have about six manuscripts under my belt. I’ve submitted exactly three of them to various agents and publishers – and not very wholeheartedly.
Presently, in the midst of editing and polishing a new piece I was struck by motivation/inspiration to work on another fiction project. And it struck me that I’ve made a habit of moving onto a new project whilst in the middle of an old one.
I’ve become a chronic plotter – enjoying the process of creating but not sticking to it and polishing it so it’s worthy of submission. I’ve allowed myself to be a writer without really being a writer.
I posted my dilemma on PassionateInk’s forum looking for insight and advice and one very brave, and insightful, fellow writer pointed out that maybe my chasing the next story is really a way to avoid my fear.
Fear of success
Fear of rejection
Fear of letting go of the story
At first I thought, “well that isn’t very helpful” but I’m a quick one and realized just a few minutes later that maybe she’s onto something. Maybe I am avoiding truly completing the manuscripts because I am afraid. It’s food for thought at least and something to meditate on.
I’ve purchased a journal to hold myself accountable with my writing (I’m pretty disciplined but like the idea of actually tracking my progress).
As I work my way through this romance writing challenge I’ll let you know what I discover.
And if you’ve struggled with anything like this or have insight, please share!