500 words How is your manuscript coming along? Are you managing to get 500 words a day written? What challenges are you facing?

This week I headed back to school so I have three hours of class each day. That, coupled with my kids being back in school and my writing clients has meant that I’m getting up an hour earlier to meet my fiction word count.

So far, it’s working pretty well. Here’s what I managed to accomplish this week.

Day 1 – 524

Day 2 – 284

Day 3 – 455

Day 4 – 766

Day 5 – 631

Day 6 – 326

Day 7 – 615


Average per day = 514 (just barely over my 500 word goal – whew!)

I should note that I’m finding that writing longhand in a notebook is the best way to get the words down. I’m making notes in the margin as ideas come to me and I dictate the handwritten words using Dragon Naturally Speaking. I can then go back and edit and make those changes. It’s working well and I believe (though we’ll have to wait and see) that the first round of revisions will be easier to manage once the manuscript is complete.

I’m having fun with this new novel. I hope your story is bringing you as much joy.

Happy writing!