Once you’ve identified your goal and you have planned, in detail, how you’re going to achieve your goal it’s time for the third step in the 2012 Romance Writing Success Plan.
What Tools and Resources do You Need to Achieve Success?
For example, if you’re submitting to a new agent or editor each week then you may need a system for tracking your submissions. Document any items you might need to help you stay on track and achieve your 2012 romance writing goal.
Here’s a List of Resources and Tools Available on MakeaLivingWritingRomance:
- Character Development Worksheet
- Romance Writing Contests and a Romance Writing Contest Worksheet to track your entries. Again, this is for 2011 but much of the information and links are still accurate.)
- Agent/Editor Checklist and Worksheet
- Romance Novel Revision Checklist
- Submissions Tracking Tools
- Digital Publisher List
- Romance Writing Home Study Course
Gather together everything you need to support you and help you achieve your goals for this year, whatever they may be.
Happy Writing!